2021-09-17 10:19:43 天津银行招聘考试网 //tj.huatu.com/jinrong/ 文章来源:华图银行招聘网
【导读】华图天津银行招聘考试网同步华图银行招聘网发布:2021年银行秋季校园招聘每日一练43,详细信息请阅读下文!春招2月陆续发布,预招3W+,获取新鲜资讯,一手备考资料,欢迎加入银行招聘考试交流群261481978 ,更多资讯请关注天津华图微信公众号(tjhuatu),如有疑问请加图小乔微信号:16602676507,天津银行招聘咨询电话:022-27307496
1.Differential diagnosis methods help to rule ( ) unrelated diseases based on the information provided.
A. for
B. in
C. with
D. out
【答案】D。“不同的诊断方法可以帮助…无关疾病”。A项rule for短语不存在;B项rule in:划入;C项rule with:用…方式管理;D项rule out: 排除、取消。根据句意可知补充“排除无关疾病”更合适,所以答案选D。
2.( ) the brain’s workings is a tremendous challenge and, judging by the advance of current processor power and complexity, will take at least several decades more to reach even the most elementary levels.
A. Imitating
B. Observing
C. Increasing
D. Speculating
3Hawass said the collection of workers’ tombs, some of ( ) were found in the 1990s, were among the most significant findings in the 20th and 21st centuries.
A. them
B. which
C. whom
D. who