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【导读】天津华图天津教师招聘考试网同步华图教育发布:2023年天津教招知识点:unit1 Where did you go on vacation,详细信息请阅读下文!如有疑问请电话咨询图小乔:16602676507(微信同号),更多资讯请关注天津华图微信公众号(tjhuatu)。
人教版八年级上册unit1 Where did you go on vacation?说课稿
【The analysis of teaching material】
The topic of this lesson is Where did you go on vacation. It is choosenfromPEPJuniorEnglish book 3, unit 1. This is the first lesson of this semester,so learning this lesson well can lay a good foundation for the next study. Besides, the content of lesson is closely related to their daily life, which is good for their daily communicating.
【The analysis of students】
Students in Junir highschool have learned English for just few years, they have mastered some basic simple English knowledge, but it is still vary difficult for them to put what they have learned into daily use.So some communicative activities will be designed to help to practice their oral English.
【The analysis of teaching objectives】
Based on the analysis of teaching material and New Curriculum Standard, I set following three teaching objectives.
Knowledge objective: Students will be able to remember some expressions about their holiday activities like went to New York City, went to the beach...
Ability objective: By listening and practicing, students will know how to talk about their own holidays by using the sentence pattern“Where did you go on vacation? I went to...”
Emotional objective: By doing various activities, students’ interest of learning English will be fostered.
【The analysis of teaching key& difficult point】
Besides, to help to achieve my teaching objectives, the teaching Key&Difficult points are as follows:
Key point&difficult point:theunderstanding and the use of the phrases and sentences in real situation.
【Teaching method】
As we all know, by using teaching method, students can learn betterand be the real host in class, so in this class, I will mainly use Situational teaching Method and Communicative Approach to arouse their interest.
【Study method】
As for learning methods, I will lead my students to use Independent study method and Cooperation study methodto study initiatively.
【Teaching procedures】
Step1: Warming-up & Lead-in
At the beginning of the class, after greeting my students, I will show students some pictures about my holiday in France like Notre-Dame de Paris, the Eiffel Tower...They have to admire them and try to describe what they see on the pictures. Then I can tell me today’s topic is about our holidays. In this way, I can lead in the topic naturally and arouse their interest meanwhile.
Step2: Pre-listening
In pre-listeningpart, I will show students some pictures about different places(New York city, home...) they can guess where these places are according to the content one by one, at the same time, the sentence structures“Where did you/he/she/they go on vacation? I went to...”will be introduced. It will be like this...By showing them pictures, students can understand the meaning of the words deeplyand they can be more interested in class.
Step3: While-listening
In this part, to help students grasp the listening material completely, I will ask my students listen to the tape twice. For the first time listening, they have to listen carefully and finish activity 1b on the book. This activity is to help them get a general understanding of this lesson.
Then for the second time listening, they have to listen to the tape carefully again and try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation of the speakers.
Step4: Post-listening
Post-listeningis anindispensable part of this lesson because students can use the words and sentence patterns they have learned skillfully. In order to make them master the sentences, I will set competition activities.For example,I divide the whole class into two groups —Red group and Black group.This can help students practice the knowledge more actively.
They are asked to do a dialogue about their holidays. They can talk about everything concerning their holidays, what they did, what they wore, what they ate...prepare in group four first, then show to the whole class. I will give them some comments after finished.
cStep5: Summary&homework
In the end,I will guide the student to conclude what we have learned today. I will invite some students to tell us. They may tell usin this class, we have learned how to express their holidays.
For homework, I have prepared two tasks for them: the first one is to practice the dialogue after class.The second one is to write a short passage about their unforgettable experience in holiday. In this way, the sentences and phrases can be consolidated one more time.
【Blackboard design】
Lastly,I would like to talk about my blackboard design. As you can see, It is very clear and logical, students can easily master what we have learned in the class.